When Politics and Planning Clash.

When Politics and Planning Clash.

If you have been a long-time reader, you’re probably somewhat surprised to get a January newsletter from us. Most years we take January off, as we have found that nobody likes to think about their money this time of year. Recent events have gotten me thinking about a...
A Messy Messy Christmas

A Messy Messy Christmas

Normally at year end, I like to tell the story of a real person – often we make it someone with a lot of personality or character who has done something unique and amazing with their estate. I’ve spent the year debating what story I should tell. And then, perhaps with...
Taking the High Road with your Money

Taking the High Road with your Money

July was a fantastic month for my wife Bridget and myself, as we finally managed to take our “buck list” trip to Scotland that we had planned for our 20th anniversary.  It was a trip with some special meaning – years ago, Bridget and I met in music school at...