Feb 18, 2020 | Blog, Stories that Inspire
A few days ago, my good friend Zack called to ask if I’d mind doing some babysitting for him. While that may not sound too unusual, it might amuse you to know that Zack is 48 and his son is a teenager, well past the age where he needs supervision. It was, in fact,...
Jan 29, 2020 | Blog, Stories that Empower
This year during the holidays, my wife Bridget and I realized that we have reached a stage where very soon, we are going to be the two shortest people in the house. Our two older sons are now well over six feet tall and soon will surpass me in height and tower over...
Nov 29, 2019 | Blog, Stories that Amplify
Weathering the seasons of intergenerational cottage transfers, liabilities and the tax man. In the last few weeks, all across our country a great Canadian tradition has occurred — the winterizing of the family cottage. As long-time readers might recall, I grew up in a...
Oct 29, 2019 | Blog, Stories that Inspire
It’s that time of year again where people will dress up, disguise their identities and go knocking on your door, saying “Trick or Treat.” The experience at the doorstep can be either very pleasant, or highly terrifying. Personally, I’ve always been fascinated by the...
Sep 29, 2019 | Blog, Stories that Amplify
For so many of us, the nighttime sky represents peace and tranquility. One night in London this past month was the exact opposite due to a massive gas explosion. In the aftermath, our city’s generosity shows us the future of giving – and how our charitable rules...